Auditions are Thursday, Aug. 25, for the New Minowa Players annual children's show, "The Deep Blue Sea."
Auditions for the New Minowa Players annual children’s show, “The Deep Blue Sea,” will be held Thursday, Aug. 25, beginning at 6 p.m. at New Minowa Players Theatre, 906 South Mill Street, Decorah.
Auditions will last approximately one hour. No actor preparation is necessary, but those interested are asked to bring a list of conflicts they have between the first rehearsal on Aug. 29, through the final performance Oct. 23.
Directors say the children’s show is an opportunity for actors in kindergarten through eighth grade to shine. Everyone who auditions will be in the show. Everyone who wants lines to speak will have them. Everyone who wants to sing a solo will be allowed to do so. There is no pressure to do either of those things. Some actors prefer to be in the chorus. Auditions help the director assign parts appropriately.
Rehearsals will be Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., beginning Monday, Aug. 29. The week of performances, rehearsals will be longer, running 5:15 to 7:30 p.m., and will include a Wednesday rehearsal. Performance dates are Oct. 20-23, with evening performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m., and a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.
“The Deep Blue Sea” is an original musical with script by Rick Scheffert and music and lyrics by Sheryl Scheffert. It is a humorous look at some of the stranger creatures in the sea. This show has many great parts for both girls and boys. Questions should be directed to Rick Scheffert, director at 563-379-5739 or spiritofclaypottery@gmail.com.
Sponsors for The Deep Blue Sea are Decorah Bank & Trust, Family Table Restaurant, Gallery of Tops, Iroc Web Design Services, Pizza Ranch, JoAn Stephenson and Steven Nelson, Rick and Sheryl Scheffert and Singing Hammers Construction.
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