City issues yard waste policy reminder

City of Decorah reminds residents that yard waste cannot be deposited in city streets or alleys.

The City of Decorah is reminding residents that yard waste cannot be deposited in City streets or alleys.
This includes leaves, grass clippings, branches, etc. The City’s annual leaf pickup program will take place in the fall. With spring rains on the horizon, it is important to keep the streets and gutters clear of yard waste. Leaves, debris and other yard waste like grass clippings can clog up storm sewer intakes and pipes which can lead to localizedf flooding.
For City of Decorah residents, yard waste can be taken to the City’s Yard Waste Site on Trout Run Road which iscurrently open seven days a week during daylight hours. Residents are reminded that only yard waste can bedeposited at the City’s Yard Waste Site. Other items such as lumber, landscape fabric, flowerpots or other waste is prohibited.
Contact the Street Department at 382-2157 with any questions.

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