College Drive transition from 4-lane to 3-lane starts Aug. 31

The City of Decorah is notifying residents the College Drive Road Diet Pilot Project is expected to begin on Thursday, Aug. 31.

Work will include the removal of existing pavement markings and installation of new pavement markings to convert the existing four-lane road to a three-lane road (similar to Montgomery Street and Short Street). The road diet will begin at Heivly Street and extend along College Drive to Locust Road.

During the transition of the four-lane to the three-lane road, traffic will still be able to travel through College Drive. However, delays may be possible during the transition work so please travel with caution. Work is expected to be completed by Friday, Sept. 1.

The College Drive Road Diet Pilot Project was recommended as part of a traffic study completed along this corridor. The purpose of the project is to evaluate the feasibility of improving safety and visibility for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

For those that may have questions about four-lane to three-lane conversions (road diets), the Iowa DOT has some helpful resources at this website:

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