A Sept. 19 "Day of Grace" program is planned at Decorah's Porter House Museum from 2 to 4 p.m.
The Porter House is hosting “A Day of Grace” at the museum on Sunday, Sept. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Local historian, Elizabeth Lorentzen will present highlights of the life of Grace Young Porter, her pursuits and passions. Grace was the wife of Adelbert (Bert) Porter, naturalist, collector, photographer and creator. The couple resided in the stately brick home on Broadway in Decorah, now the Porter House Museum, for over 60 years. From privileged backgrounds and without children, they traveled the world, collected curiosities, pursued artistic passions and participated in Decorah’s cultural community during the early 20th century through the 1960’s.
After Lorentzen’s presentation, a short video will feature volunteer docent Jane Kemp discussing Grace’s porcelain china painting. Special displays of Grace’s hand-painted pieces, as well as examples of her clothing and other everyday items, and photographs will be on view in the dining room, music parlor and her upstairs bed-chamber. Selections from her music collection will be performed on the grand piano by board member and volunteer Peggy Beatty, and guests may enjoy tea and treats.
Pre-registration is required due to space limitations. Entrance is $15 per person and registration and payment can be made online at porterhousemuseum.org. Click on Events, and scroll down to “Day of Grace,” Register Here. Payment options include credit card, check or cash.
Face coverings are required in all indoor spaces at the museum. If weather is pleasant, some activities will be held outdoors. The planning committee is closely monitoring current public health recommendations and it will be posted on the website if the event must be canceled. All registrations will be fully refunded in the event of cancelation.
The Porter House Museum preserves and interprets its structures, grounds, and collections to inspire diverse audiences to learn about Bert and Grace Porter and their passions, including travel, art, photography, gardens, music, and the natural world. Located at 401 West Broadway in Decorah, the Porter House Museum is an independent non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. For more information, contact info@porterhousemuseum.org or visit porterhousemuseum.org.
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