Decorah Schools have been ranked as "high-performing" in a recent report from the Iowa Department of Education.
The Iowa Department of Education released new results and features in an online school accountability reporting system called the Iowa School Performance Profiles.
Decorah High School and Decorah Middle School were ranked as “High-Performing,” and Carrie Lee Elementary, John Cline Elementary, and West Side Elementary were all named “Commendable.” Unlike many other schools across the state, Decorah’s overall results have improved or stayed the same compared to pre-pandemic ratings. Between 2019 (the last time that the ISASP was administered) and 2021, the number of Iowa schools in the higher categories decreased, and the number of schools in the lowest two categories increased.
Iowa Department of Education Director Ann Lebo shared, “It’s important to understand the challenges brought on by the pandemic and to take that into account when looking at the 2021 performance scores.”
The high rankings of Decorah schools reveal how student performance remained strong despite the challenges of the last year.
DCSD Superintendent Mark Lane commented, “It is important to recognize that the performance profile monitors multiple factors, including student proficiency and growth, student well-being, graduation rate, and college or career readiness. Our results demonstrate the resilience, perseverance, and dedication of our staff and students throughout the pandemic.”
The Iowa School Performance Profiles website shows:
* Updated scores and ratings for all public schools based on how they performed on a set of accountability measures in the 2020-21 school year.
* Postsecondary readiness indicators for public high schools based on student participation and scores on college entrance exams, participation in postsecondary or advanced coursework, and percentage of students who are focused on career and technical education within one of six service areas defined in Iowa Code 256.11(5)h.
* The ability to search and compare school building, school district and state-level performance data.
* Additional data that are required by law but do not count toward accountability scores. The latest scores reflect results of the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP), which all 327 public school districts administered last spring.
Lane added, “I am incredibly proud of the way we have maintained a focus on student learning and well-being over the past two years.”
The Iowa School Performance Profiles, launched in 2018, meets state and federal requirements to publish report cards reflecting the performance of all public schools.
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