Decorah Ward 2 listening sessions planned

On Sunday, July 17, at 1 p.m. at the Water Street Park (Co-op Deli, rain location) and Monday, July 18, at 4:30 p.m. in the council chambers, Decorah Ward 2 council member Emily Neal will be hosting two listening sessions for Decorah residents and enthusiasts.
 During the upcoming listening session, Decorah council member Emily Neal will welcome questions and comments regarding city affairs, policies and priorities. Folks interested in all things City are welcome to attend. Topics may include but are not limited to the proposed Kwik Star development, downtown district apartments, MEU discussions, streets, city visioning and/or any other city-related business that folks would like to discuss. Council member Neal will share her perspective on upcoming priorities and council work.    
“There are some exciting developments in Decorah right now and with that always comes a fair amount of uncertainty, I believe one of the best ways we can ease controversy is to have an open dialog about the priorities and vision for our community.” said Neal. If you are unable to attend a session, Neal welcomes communication via email to


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