Driftless area Independence Day fireworks

Beautiful colorful firework display at night for celebrate in festival anniversary

Beautiful colorful firework display at night for celebrate in festival anniversary

Hesper July 3: Fireworks at dusk

Harmony, Minn. July 4: Fireworks at dusk at North Park

Harper’s Ferry July 4: Legion Fireworks at Dusk

Festina July 4: Parade and more from 10:30 a.m., fireworks at dusk

Lansing July 4: Fireworks at dusk at Anderson Park

Eitzen, Minn. July 4: Family Fun Fest, fireworks at dusk

Monona July 4: Fireworks at dusk

Cresco July 5: Family Fun Night 4-8 at Prairie’s Edge Nature Center, fireworks at dusk

Spillville July 6: Family games, music and more from 2 p.m., fireworks at dusk at the Riverside Park

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