By Roz Weis,

ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO: The ladies from Sattre donated the new linoleum for the toilet room floor of the Rest Rooms in Decorah.
ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO: The ladies from Sattre donated the new linoleum for the toilet room floor of the Rest Rooms in Decorah.
…Oneota Golf Club is buying 40 acres of the Dave Leach farm north of Freeport.
…Fred Carlson has been awarded the big contract to pave Broadway in Decorah. The paving job could cost an estimated $50,000, including curbing, manholes and all. The pavement will be from the Methodist Church to the C.J. Weiser corner and on to the E.C. Bailey corner. Concrete is about $3.76 a square yard. Tarvia is $4.078 a square yard and Bithulitic is $4.21 a square yard.
…Decorah’s Civic Club has had a very successful year. Newly-elected officers are Mrs. E.J. Curtin, president; Mrs. Fred Reum, vice president; Mrs. T.C. Hutchinson, secretary; and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, club treasurer. Some of the activities taken on by the club members this year have included: building a new bridge and fixing road at the entrance of Dunning Springs; cleaning the stream bed at Dunning Springs; twith benches placed for the use of those visiting the area; the bathhouse along the river was repaired so it could be used by bathers; and assisting the Salvation Army Drive. The members also donated over $100 for rat control – helping make a total of 21,390 rats caught in the city.
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…It reportedly cost the State of Iowa almost $1.44 per week to feed each prisoner at the state penitentiary at Fort Madison. For the 600 prisoners, more than $200 was apportioned to the breakfasts; $391 for dinners; and $250 for their suppers.
…Mr. and Mrs. Cassel came to visit Decorah last Saturday and purchased a modern new range.
…Ernest Bergman celebrated his birthday the other day. Several from the Mason City area attended. They had so many good things to eat that most of the party stayed for early supper to clean up the table of all the good things.
…Returning to their homes in Brownsville from the La Crosse Carnival the other night, five men in an auto had a thrilling experience. Two of the men were drowned and three escaped by tearing away the side curtains of the machine as the auto sank to the bottom of the Mississippi. The men who drowned were A.E. Cox and Jas. Enos. Escaping were Oscar Darling, George Colleran and Percy Knigge. Thin ice caused the car to crash. It is said that the auto lights on the car burned for five hours after the car went to the bottom of the river.
NINETY YEARS AGO: The Decorah High School Declamatory Contest was held last week, providing a pleasant evening for a good-sized audience. Selections were prepared by Patrick O’Shea, Alan Moen and Norman Owen. Dramatic readings were given by Dorothy Hall, Frances Graham and Mary Jane Price. Humorous readings came from Janice Relf, Marjorie Kennard and Evelyn Benda. Ruth Krumm gave two violin solos during the intermission.
…The comedy-drama “A Woman’s Honor” is being presented next week at the Rudolphinum High School at Protivin. Among the cast members are C. Pecinovsky, H. Lukes, E. Bouska, E. Tuchek, J. Sindelar, C. Bouska and E. Svoboda.
…Luther basketeers were handed a severe setback in their hopes for a conference title when the fast Central College team gave them their first defeat of the season in a game last week. It was a brilliant game. Final score was 12-9. Players all had a hard time finding the hoop, with some erratic shots and misses throughout the game.
…Prowlers ransacked the Luther College Library in early February. Their loot consisted of scientific papers, stamps, loose change and professors’ notes. The thieves gained entrance through a side door. They attempted to jimmy their way into the vault, but failed. No clues yet, but investigators are hoping to make arrests soon.
…Officers raided Ole Ellingson’s Garage the other day and found considerable alcohol. The two full gallons of alcohol were discovered between the rafters in the ceiling on the second floor. Also discovered in a desk and safe were seven one-half pints and another half-gallon of alcohol. Ellingson’s garage is on the corner of Main and Washington Street.
…FRONT PAGE NEWS: Evelyn Pleister, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pleister, was operated on for appendicitis last week at the Postville Hospital. She is a sixth-grade student at Decorah Public School.
…A group of ladies gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Larson last week for a project. The Lesson was “Feet, Shoes and Hosiery” conducted by Mrs. Bennie Kroshus.
…The week of Feb. 8-15 is Boy Scout Week. Will Baker of Decorah was one of the earliest Scoutmasters here and he has always been connected with Scouting.
…The Decorah High School basketball team will play New Hampton in a conference game in the Luther College Gymnasium this week. The Vikings are again in the thick of the pennant race, having won three and lost one game so far this season. The game is being played at Luther to enable the local team to get accustomed to the floor there for the big sectional tournament in early March.
…A real estate transfer took place over in Ridgeway the other day. The home occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flaskerud (owned by Mr. Anton Brekke) was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Aegerter.
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