Fox and Coon Club fundraising dinner Saturday

By Scott Bestul

The Northeast Iowa Fox & Coon Club is holding a “Lost Our Lease Last Supper” on Saturday, Feb. 6, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The drive-up only meal will feature venison meatballs, goose meatballs, potatoes and gravy, and corn. Advance calls are not required.
“We’re not charging a set fee, just asking for a free-will donation,” said Dean Frana, club president. “In order to comply with COVID-19 restrictions we won’t offer any sit-down dining for this meal.”
Frana said the event replaces the club’s annual big game feed. “We will be selling memberships, and anyone who purchases a membership will have their name entered into a drawing for a gun giveaway,” he said. “The gun this year is a snow camo Savage Arms Axis in 6.5 Creedmoor.” Memberships are $30/single and $40/family. 
Monies raised at the supper will be used as the club seeks a new property for its headquarters. The Fox & Coon Club had leased property from the City of Decorah for nearly 40 years. When the city presented a draft of a new lease, raising monthly fees from 10 to 25 dollars per month, the club chose not to sign it and pursue other options. 
“We’re looking at a couple of different properties, but anyone interested in leasing to us, or might know someone who would, is welcome to call me,” Frana said. 
The non-profit club has been in existence since 1939, Frana said. 
“We’re a non-profit club that emphasizes conservation and youth education,” he said. “We offer youth archery classes as well as hunter education, and both those opportunities are getting more popular. Last year we had 40 kids in the archery class. We hosted two hunter education classes last year and had 100 graduates.”
Meal orders may be picked up at the current club location, 2080 State Hwy. 9, outside Decorah. For more information on the dinner, or on the Northeast Iowa Fox & Coon Club, contact Frana at 563-419-1922. 

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