Iowa Rotocast wins Freeport parcel with $300,000 bid

By Zach Jensen,

The dispute over whether or not the county should sell a piece of floodway fringe property in Freeport came to an end Monday morning, when Winneshiek County Supervisor Chair Dan Langreck opened the only bid on the property. That bid from Iowa Rotocast Plastics, Inc. (IRP) was $300,000 for the land; $90,000 more than the minimum bid established by the Board of Supervisors on April 1.

The bid was opened after the public hearing, held during its May 6 regular meeting, for which about 20 members of the public attended, with eight that voiced opinions against the sale. After the bid was accepted by the supervisors, the public’s fears were laid to rest when IRP representatives in the audience stated the company plans to install a solar field at the site. 

Full article in the May 9 Public Opinion Newspaper.

Other Supervisor business May 6

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