Who will you be cheering for during Super Bowl LVIII?
The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) and law enforcement partners are cheering for sober drivers!
Whether you’re hosting a Super Bowl party or attending one, everyone has an important job:
keep drunk drivers off the road so we can all make it home safely. During Super Bowl LVIII,
law enforcement across the Driftless Region and the State of Iowa will be reminding football enthusiasts, Fans Don’t Let Fans
Drive Drunk.
Over the past five years (2017-2021), an average of eight people died or were seriously
injured EACH WEEK in Iowa in a crash involving an impaired driver.* Nationally, about 37
people die in drunk-driving crashes each day.**
This year’s Super Bowl LVIII is on Sunday, Feb. 11.
Local law enforcement partners urge the public to “Get ahead of the game and create
your winning plan now. If you’re going to a Super Bowl party and you plan to drink alcohol,
plan a designated driver. If you’re hosting a party, prepare plenty of food and non-alcoholic
drink options. If you’re a designated driver, be the night’s MVP and keep that commitment
front and center.”
Drunk driving can have a range of consequences, including the possibility of causing a
traumatic crash. These crashes could cause you, someone you love, or a total stranger to
suffer serious injuries or death. Help set up your team — your friends, family, and other partygoers — for a night of success.
The GTSB works with city, county, state, and local organizations to develop and implement
strategies to reduce death and injury on Iowa roads using federally-funded grants.
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