Local Iowans get in free to Owl Center Dec.11-12

Residents of Winneshiek and Allamakee Counties, including Luther College students, are specially invited to visit the International Owl Center for free Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 11-12.

Residents of Winneshiek and Allamakee Counties, including Luther College students, are specially invited to visit the International Owl Center for free Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 11-12. The Owl Center is located in Houston, Minn., just one hour north of Decorah, and is the only all-owl education center in the United States.
Four live ambassador owls currently work at the Center; the Great Horned Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, American Barn Owl and Eastern Screech-Owl. Attendees can also find touchable wings and tails, nine species of extremely lifelike mounted owls, owl art from children around the world, skulls, eggs, life-size wingspans, cultural items from around the world and more. The gift shop is full of all manner of owl items. Highly trained staff present programs each day at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. 
Houston itself also features a Parade of Owls art tour with 12 public owl sculptures and Barista’s Coffee House is heavily-decorated with owls.
The Owl Center is open Friday-Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular admission is $7 for adults, $4 for ages 4-17 and children 3 and under and members are free. 
More information is available at www.internationalowlcenter.org or by contacting 507-896-OWLS (6957) or karla@internationalowlcenter.org. 

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