The St. Benedict eighth grade class will present the musical “The Enchantment of Beauty
and the Beast” (Pioneer Drama Productions).
There will be two performances: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, at 1 p.m., and again at 7 p.m.
In this adapted classic fable, a selfish prince (Bennett Coppola) refuses to provide rest
and shelter for a disguised wizard (Jay Jensen). He curses him for his selfish ways. The prince is,
therefore, destined to be a “beast” (Bennett Coppola – Act I/Jalen Klees – Act II) until he learns
compassion and love for others. Years later, a poor widow (Eden Northup) takes the beast’s
forbidden rose. Though the beast sentences her to death, he allows her to go back and see her
family (Rachel Weis, Carissa Peel, Carlton Nordschow, Lucas Weigle, and their dog – Ray
Hayek) one last time. Beauty (Gracie Tangen), the widow’s youngest daughter, goes in her place
to spare her mother’s life. With the help of the castle’s occupants (Aiden Whalen, Maggie Gavle,
Molly Keuhner, Anders Wicklund, Dawson Irons, Dominic Christopher, and Brock Bullerman),
Beauty is able to help the Beast learn how to love and show compassion.
Director/producer – Paula Jewell, Co-director – Indigo Fish, Music director – Sarah Kowitz, Art
director- Sherri Holland, Dance director – Jess Tangen, and Videographer – Judy Franzen.
Tech crew: Andy Carlon, Ari Albert, and Becca Kane
Directors expressed appreciation to the eighth grade St. Benedict parents, faculty, staff; to Carrie Lee
School for the use of the auditorium; to Steve Larson and Dustin Blivens for helping
with the technology; and the Decorah High School and the New Minowa Players for helping provide
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