Turkey Valley blood drive a community gift of service

Several 100, 50-time-donor milestones reached 

A recent Turkey Valley community blood drive has collected 95 units of blood and 18 red cell donations. The Wednesday, April 7 event was a collaboration between the American Red Cross and Turkey Valley Education Association.
The annual TV blood drive event sees many donors returning for the event. Many individuals reached donation milestones at the event. Jim Schmitt of Fort Atkinson and Darlyn Schmitt of Waucoma were each registered as 100-time donors. Several other individuals reached their 50-plus donation mark.
Additionally, Turkey Valley senior Aleah Hackman was recognized for organizing five area blood drives besides the TV event; Rory Kuennen was noted as being a five-time donor while being just a senior at TV. 

A successful drive
Preparation for the event, including COVID-19 precautions, was provided by Turkey Valley staff and students. 
Students assisted with phone calling, poster distribution, prep work for the event as well as assisting at the drive and doing final clean up. Many students were also donors. 

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