Two-city food donation contest replaces annual holiday events

Get out and support the community food shelf in the form of a little friendly competition this December. 

The Lion’s Pub in Spring Grove, Minn., and Elsie’s Bar and Grill in Caledonia, Minn., are holding a food donation competition this month, and all are urged to bring non-perishable items to either location to benefit the local food shelf. 

The competition takes the place of two community events: the annual Thanksgiving meal at Elsie’s and the annual Festival of Trees in Spring Grove. 

While there is no official “prize” per se, whichever location receives the most amount of food donations wins – while also bringing in much-needed food shelf donations. 

Donations can be dropped off at the Lion’s Pub (100 E. Main St., Spring Grove), Elsie’s (226 E. Main St., Caledonia), or directly to the Houston County Food Shelf in Caledonia – just indicate if the donation benefits Spring Grove or Caledonia.

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