By Roz Weis,

Hamre School 1922 - This vintage photograph is labeled Hamre Country School 1922 in the Driftless Multimedia archives. Among the youngsters identified are Helen (Kallevang) Davis, Amanda (Thoman) Sensor, Clifford Vick, Raymond Thoman, Lester Foss, Esther (Hoyme) Hegg, Mildred (Kallevang) Knopf, Olga (Torkelson) Otteson, Gerhard Allen, Christopher Hoyme, James Kallevang and Norman Hoyme.
1943 EIGHTY YEARS AGO: It cost four young Protivin boys $50 each (plus court costs) for damaging headstones in the Catholic Cemetery.
…The local Winneshiek Women’s Relief Corps will host a “thimble bee” next week at the American Legion Hall.
…Decorah High School is certainly attracting pupils from a large territory. Superintendent Thomas Roberts reports more than half the pupils are paying tuition to enroll at the public school from throughout neighboring townships, school districts and communities. This is the highest percentage in the school’s history. Many of these students are renting rooms in Decorah households to alleviate transportation back to their rural homes. Total enrollment at the high school is 437 this fall.
…The Sande Store over at Locust has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Young.
…A rural Jackson Junction man has been found guilty in court of possession of gambling devices. He was fined $600 and court costs.
…HELP WANTED: Man needed. Could up to 74 cents per hour. Help process food for our Armed Forces. Apply at the U.S. Employment Service office here in Decorah.
1953 SEVENTY YEARS AGO: A serious nuisance is being debated here in town. Wild night-time driving through the streets and alleys of town are the subject of much complaint. Residents report that the wild drivers are disturbing their sleep, aggravating the condition of sick persons, and in general causing a real nuisance with their reckless behavior. Some of the reported “outrageous driving” includes: racing around West Side School, playing tag and chicken through the alleyways with auto lights off, racing side-by-side down the main streets of town with lights off; careening around corners on two wheels; swerving abruptly; and “the worst” swerving cars sharply to screen the brakes/tires. Enough of enough – according to several residents.
…Monson DX Service Station at 812 Mechanic is holding a grand opening. Free roses for the ladies, free cigars for the gentlemen and free lollipops for the kiddos. Sign up today for the grand opening prices, which include a brand new Schwinn bicycle, tires and a table model clock radio. The station is operated by Mr. and Mrs. Clint Monson.
…Dave Svenson and Norman Mikkelson each scored in the junior high football game the other day. The local team won over Cresco by a score of 14-0.
1963 SIXTY YEARS AGO: Luke’s Discount Store is hosting a grand opening just east of the Winneshiek Hotel in downtown Decorah. The store is part of a national discount chain.
…A student “hootenanny” is being held on the Luther campus this weekend. It’s Decorah’s official welcome to the 1,215 students, faculty and their families, and is sponsored by the Decorah Chamber of Commerce.
1973 FIFTY YEARS AGO: A new queen will be crowned soon by the Winneshiek County Pork Producers. Ceremonies will be held at St. Wenceslaus Gym over in Spillville. Contestants this fall are: Joyce Kriener, Beverly Kriener, Cindy Kvamme, Cindy Hageman, Debbie Lensing, Jackie Schroeder, Sue Timp, Bonnie Gander, Chris Kuboushek and Elaine Heying.
…Mark Vick of rural route 5, Decorah, recently won a portable television set for selling magazines during a junior high sales campaign.
…Groundbreaking ceremonies are being held soon at Area One Vocational Technical School’s Calmar campus for the new Wilder Learning Center.
…Stop at BURGER V on Decorah’s West Side for a tenderloin. 43 cents each this week.
…Winneshiek County continues to upgrade its communications systems by purchasing seven additional mobile two-way radios. Cost for the equipment is approximately $7,000. Now all 30 county vehicles will be equipped with the modern, two-way radios.
1983 FORTY YEARS AGO: Decorah News Service, owned by John McGonigal, offers a full line of newspapers and magazines for sale. The new business is situated across from the Security Bank on Washington Street. Also featured at the store is snack bar, complete with pop, candy, fresh donuts and coffee.
…Homecoming Queen candidates at Decorah High School this fall are Jeanne Bjergum, Amy Fitzgerald, Angela Carlson, Susan Dengler and Michelle Quam. Corrine Crookshank is the junior class attendant and Angela Johnson is the sophomore class attendant.
…Now earn 9.04 percent on your daily passbook savings accounts at local banks. CD are paying 11.7% these days.
1993 THIRTY YEARS AGO: A seventh straight win was recorded by the Lady Vikes volleyball team the other night, bringing the team record to 11-1-2.
…Carl Homstad, local artist, has opened a new gallery and studio at 3112 Springwater Road.
…A new medical office building will soon be constructed on property immediately adjacent to the local hospital on Montgomery Street. Decorah Clinic will be attached to the hospital on two levels.
…Jacob Groth, 12-year-old son of Chuck and Dawn Groth of Decorah, recently bagged a four-point buck in his first time out during youth deer season.
2003 TWENTY YEARS AGO: A $1 million child development center on the Northeast Iowa Community College campus in Calmar could be open by late spring of 2005.
…Voltmer Electric will soon move from its currently Highway 9 location to the Freeport Industrial Park. The company will move into a building formerly occupied by Watlow Infrared, which recently was purchased by Pyramid Properties. Remodeling of the facility is currently under way.
…The South Winneshiek 2003 Homecoming Queen and King are Kayla Tieskoetter and Alan Brincks.
…CREW (Community Recreation Education Workshop) is sponsoring several events for area youth this year. An upcoming homecoming dance is planned for 7th and 8th graders who attend St. Benedict’s School and Decorah Middle School. A “night out” for 5th and 6th graders is planned this fall at the Luther Regents Center.
…Washington Street Salon and Spa opens soon in Decorah. Cortney Lawson, Monica Blasberg and Kim McCabe are the stylists.
…St. Benedict 5th graders Kristen Malanaphy, Mollie King and Mariah Payne earned a top prize in a graphic design contest recently at K&S Foods in Decorah. The contest was part of the annual chili cook-off at the grocery store.
2013 TEN YEARS AGO: The Winneshiek County Conservation Board recently was awarded a $487,025 grant for a new county park to be located along the proposed new Dry Run Trail between Highway 9 and Highway 52, two miles from Decorah. It will become the Neste Valley Recreation and Wildlife Area.
…Seed Savers Exchange recently hosted a squash festival, complete with a harvest soup cook-off.
…Decorah High School Homecoming Queen candidates this fall are Lindsay Vande Lune, Randi Jo Carolan, Alexis Hove, Dailen Folkedahl, Anna Hovden and Rebecca Alcock. King candidates are Bryce Pierce, Cole Svestka, Tyler Barth, Jacob Stock, Austin Ashbacher and Holt Johansen.
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