Winneshiek County Sheriff reports

Winneshiek Sheriff

Two search warrants were executed July 31 at 3:20 p.m. in Ossian. The warrants were executed at residences on East Main Street and Lydia Street as part of ongoing investigations by the Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Office. As a result, three subjects were arrested and transported to the Winneshiek County Jail. Jason Baumgartner, 34, of Ossian, was charged with D felony possession of controlled substance – methamphetamine, 3rd or subsequent offense and simple misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Natassja Carroll, 22, of Ossian was charged with serious misdemeanor possession of controlled substance – methamphetamine 1st, serious misdemeanor possession of controlled substance-marijuana and serious misdemeanor unlawful possession of prescription medication. Carl Johnson, 23, of Ossian, was charged with aggravated misdemeanor possession of controlled substance -methamphetamine 2nd offense, serious misdemeanor possession of controlled substance – marijuana 2nd offense and serious misdemeanor unlawful possession of prescription medication. This is an ongoing investigation with additional charges pending.

Francis Chloupek, 44, of Decorah, was arrested on Birch Road, Decorah, and booked into the Winneshiek County Jail July 27 at 10:09 p.m. for public intoxication.

While incarcerated in the Winneshiek County Jail on July 26, Nathan Reinke, 25, of New Albin, intentionally damaged jail property. He was charged with serious misdemeanor criminal mischief, 4th degree.

Lillyanne McIntyre, 21, of West Union, was arrested and booked in the Winneshiek County Jail July 27 on an arrest warrant for violation of probation, 2 counts.

Winneshiek Sheriff’s Office investigated a traffic accident July 2 in Fort Atkinson. Linus Barloon, 75, of Decorah was heading north on 10th Ave., when he approached the railroad crossing. Barloon was reportedly distracted by a family reunion and the people gathering at the community center on the north side of the railroad tracks. A train was heading west on the tracks. Barloon’s vehicle was crossing the tracks when the Canadian Pacific train struck the passenger side rear quarter near the rear wheel. The vehicle was pushed into the northwest ditch. The collision caused the passenger side curtain airbag to deploy. Both Barloon and his passenger, Marguerite Barloon, were transported to WinnMed by the WMC ambulance with suspected minor injuries. The Barloon vehicle sustained $10,000 in damage.

Kyli Byers, 34, of Protivin, turned herself in, and was arrested and booked into the Winneshiek County Jail on July 25, on an arrest warrant for harassment, 3rd degree.

Irene Archer, 35, of Calmar, was arrested and booked into the Winneshiek County Jail July 23 at 8 p.m. for domestic abuse assault, 1st offense and assault on law enforcement.

A search warrant was executed at a residence on 140th Street, south of Calmar, on July 24 at 3 p.m., as part of an ongoing investigation by the Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Office. As a result, Jeremy Wemark, 46, was charged with D felony possession of ammunition by a prohibited person. This is an ongoing investigation, with additional charges pending.

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