Beverly Crumb-Gesme

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 2:23 pm

Beverly Irene Crumb-Gesme died March 8, 2020 at Gundersen Health Systems in La Crosse, Wis., after a five year battle with pulmonary fibrosis.

She spent the last 21 days of her life in hospitals trying to overcome the lung disease. As her friends and acquaintances know, she was a fighter. She died hearing her husband Ron tell her siblings and nurses about a fantastic trip to France they had.

A celebration of life will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2021 at Oneota Country Club, 1714 Golf Rd, Decorah.

Remembrances will be at 4:00 p.m.  Appetizers and Beverages will be provided. Masks are recommended by the family. Memorials will be given to the North Winneshiek Scholarship Program.

Bev was born Nov. 30, 1946 in Indianola, Iowa, the daughter of Howard and Nora (Rhoads) Crumb. She loved attending the Indianola Schools and even went to summer school when she really didn’t need it. Her love for books came from her mother , who was a teacher in a one room schoolhouse. Bev also worked at the Indianola Public Library during her teen years. She graduated with the Indianola Class of 1965 and attended every reunion they had. During her senior year she visited Luther College and absolutely fell in love with the beautiful campus.  She graduated from Luther in 1969 majoring in history, secondary education, and social life. While at Luther, she displayed her independent spirit. Bev was not afraid to speak up and voice her opinions. A trait that served her well later in her careers.

In January of 1971, Bev was hired by North Winneshiek to teach social studies and coach the Drill Team. She loved the job(most days) and took great pride in her students. A lot of them told her later that she was tough, but they learned from her and knew she cared about them. She demanded excellence from her drill teams and she got it. She also enjoyed working out with the track teams and even got an honorary letter.

In February of 1973, she met her husband of forty-six and one-half years, Ron Gesme, they were married Sept. 29, 1973, at Decorah Lutheran Church.  Some of Ron’s friends said it wouldn’t last. Boy, were they wrong!Bev worked at North Winneshiek until 1988. During her years teaching, she became very active negotiating for the North Winn Education Association. She represented the teachers in contract talks with the school district and became a pain in the administrators’ sides. In 1988, she started a new career with the South Dakota Education Association, working out of the Sioux Falls office. She had the responsibility of helping her school employee members. She took her job very seriously and always tried to help the underdog. She gained a lot of friends in South Dakota, whom she always treasured. After nine years of Ron and her traveling back and forth from Decorah to Sioux Falls on weekends, Bev took a job with the Iowa State Education Association in 1997 at the Fayette office. She missed her South Dakota friends, but it was wonderful to get back to her husband and friends in Decorah. She retired from ISEA in January of 2009.Bev spent her retirement reading books, traveling with Ron and others, attending Bruce Springsteen concerts, watching Kevin Costner movies, talking to her sister on an almost daily basis, and going to Oneota Country Club to have glass of wine, talk, and have dinner with her “girl” friends. Ron and Bev loved to travel together. They made many trips to Hawaii, France, Oregon, the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and Puerto Vallarta, where they visited their friends, Kent and Sandy Nelson.

The best thing Bev said she ever did was become friends with four Hmong refugee children in the late 1970’s. She bought Christmas and birthday presents for them, and she and Ron were blessed to be godparents of one of them. However, they felt like godparents to all four of them.  Bev instilled in them how important reading and school would be in their lives. It was a sense of pride for Bev to see “her children” grow up, have great careers, get married and raise families, and be outstanding citizens.

Bev Crumb-Gesme did a lot of good in her life. She cared about her fellow man. She stood up for what she believed and wasn’t afraid to voice her opinion.  Whether it was Ron, her family and friends, her students, her union members, or just acquaintances; they all were glad Bev was on their side. They knew she cared greatly about them and had their backs! Bon Voyage, Bev!

She is survived by her husband: Ron Gesme, Decorah, IA. Siblings: Linda (Don) Russell, Harvey, IA; Loren (Linda) Crumb, Independence, MO and Lois (Lance) Wheeland, Aurora, CO. Brother-in-law: Craig (Barb) Gesme, Des Moines, IA along with many nieces and  nephews.She was preceded in death by her parents: Howard and Nora (Rhoads) Crumb. Father and mother-in-law: Earl and Marilyn (Moe) Gesme.

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