Jamison Meyer

Monday, March 8, 2021 11:05 pm

Funeral services for Jamison Daniel Meyer will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Calmar, with Father Robert Gross officiating. The church will be open to extended family and close friends. The funeral will be livestreamed on the CFOS Parish Facebook page. A public space for the livestream is pending. A private burial will follow.

The family will receive friends from 4-8 p.m. on Friday, March 12, 2021 at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Calmar, IA.

In lieu of gifts, please donate to the Jamison Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund on gofundme.com. Checks can be made payable to “South Winn Dollars for Scholars.” Please indicate it is for the Jamison Meyer Fund. Donations can be mailed to: 304 S Webster St. PO Box 430 Calmar, IA 52132.

Jamison Daniel Meyer was born into the loving arms of his parents on Oct. 16, 2002. “Shorty,” who grew to be the tallest of his family, passed away at home on March 5th 2021.

Jamison was brought home after his birth to a rough and tumble life with seven older brothers. He never missed a beat of the fast-paced household and grew with a love for Star Wars, competition, and running. Jamie ran both track and cross country and was a strong influence on the teams, leading by being an example of hard work and dedication. He was a good teammate, an excellent classmate, and a great friend.

As much as he loved beating their track records, Jamison loved playing games with his brothers even more. His older brothers agree that, without a doubt, he always will be the greatest brother of all. He was adored by his nieces and nephew and made time to play and build couch forts with each visit.

Our memories of Jamison shine bright like the stars he loved to watch. He shared his joy in and knowledge of the stars with others helping them to see and experience the wonders of the heavens.

Jamison was not the kind of young man who drew much attention to himself. He was quiet and kind and strong willed. His soul possessed a gentleness and goodness which he generously bestowed upon others. He would not want any tears shed on his behalf. He would prefer, instead, we honor him by showing love and kindness to one another.

Jamison will greatly be loved by his parents, Brian and Mary Meyer, as well as his older brothers Jacob (Mikael), Jordan (Meridith), Seth (Hillary), Joshua, Matthew, Nathaniel and Benjamin (Megan), his maternal grandmother Muriel, numerous aunts, uncles and cousins, and his nieces and nephew. He is preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Arnold and Jeanne Meyer, maternal grandfather Wendell, and older brother, Mark.



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