Ron Munsterman

Thursday, August 27, 2020 1:25 am

Ron Munsterman, 27-year resident of the Decorah area, succumbed to metastatic melanoma at the Linn Haven Nursing Home in New Hampton Friday, Aug. 21, 2020. Ron had been battling the disease since diagnosis seven years ago, the latest skirmish requiring brain surgery at Gunderson-Lutheran Hospital in May. In recognition of extensive support provided to Ron by the broader community, his family invites friends, family and caregivers to an outdoor memorial at the Will Baker Park Shelter, Pulpit Rock Road, Decorah, Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 11 a.m. Dispersed, social distance-compliant seating will be provided. Bring your own shade, if required. Masks are requested and required, where maintaining six feet separation is not possible. Bag lunch and socially distant fellowship will be provided at the conclusion of the service. Help us celebrate Ron’s life, lived on his own terms, and the kindness and care of a community who made it possible.

Ron was born on the first day of spring 1958 to Harold and Marlene Munsterman in Decatur, Ill., the youngest of four siblings. He was a life-long learner and graduate of St. Teresa High School, Decatur, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Ill., and recently earned an associate’s degree from NICC.

Ron was a long-term client of the Spectrum Network, engaged in a range of workshop and custodial duties around Decorah. Ron’s stubbornness was legendary. His steely determination pushed him to many goals seemingly beyond reach and fueled his bicycling passion – allowing him to visit many communities and festivals in outlying areas. Many friendships — especially that of Jim Orvella, who assisted him with transportation support over the years, and Scott Lyons — were critical to his successes in Decorah.

He is survived by sister Karen Martin, her spouse David and three nephews (Decatur, Ill.), brother Dennis and spouse Denise (Tacoma, Wash.), brother Gary, spouse Marlene and two nieces (Anacortes, Wash.), two surviving aunts and dozens of cousins. He leaves behind many friends and caregivers who helped Ron to maintain community-based living and management of his disabilities.

Father and mother preceded his passing in 1983 and 2013, respectively.

Remembrances and gifts in Ron’s name are encouraged to several tax exempt charities; 1) The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) in support of the Dry Run Trail project which will link Decorah’s Trout Run Trail with the Prairie Farmer Trail in Calmer. Donations can be made online at or by mail to INHF, 1111 S. Paine St., Suite E, Decorah, IA 52101 and/or 2) The National Alliance for Mental Illness of Northeast Iowa on-line at or by mail to NAMI Northeast Iowa, PO Box 214, Decorah, IA 52101.

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