A Simple letter about a simple idea: the beauty of public schools

By Sondra Carver, Decorah

Dear Editor, 
Public schools are one of the basic foundations of the U.S. They work as an equalizer because they accommodate, in theory, everyone and everything. 
Public schools have a built-in system to care for differences in students. Paid for by taxpayer money and well-organized leadership, they have been a fiscal bargain for the public. Historically, schools provided basic literacy, such as reading, for a population needing workers.
Maybe the words “in theory” are a problem. If public education sounds too idealistic by today’s standards, it is. If it sounds too simple, that’s the beauty of the idea. 
Today people want more. They want to upgrade, fine-tune and specialize education. Many would like to provide an enriched or prescribed curriculum. Private schools may do this, as most of our Catholic schools do, but charge tuition.    
Public schools are dictated by state law. By Monday, Feb. 15, a new Iowa law says schools must offer the “100 % in-person learning option” to every student who chooses it. This means that students, who prefer, may work with a teacher, (even one on one) or transfer to another school (by application). 
Creating private charter schools may sound good at this point, but not with taxpayer money. Sounds a little undemocratic.
As if public schools don’t already have a gigantic task, let’s not complicate it by adding more choices. Let’s help public education schools remain strong.
How can a simple idea be complicated so quickly? 

Sondra Carver

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