Brynsaas leads Vikes

By Becky Walz,

Viking Elora Schnitzler is just on the green’s edge at SWGC from earlier this season. (Driftless Multimedia photo by Becky Walz)

Getting tuned up before the postseason, the Decorah girls golf team traveled to Winona Thursday for 18-holes against Winona Senior.
The home team shot a 434 to the Vikes’ 522 with Decorah missing two linksters due to illness.
Decorah varsity scores were Olivia Brynsaas 119 (64-55), Elora Schnitzler 130 (67-63), Isabella Sailor 134 (67-67), Riann Oberbroeckling 139 (72-67), Danika Mueller 150 (78-72), Drew Zwart 151 (78-73), Shelby Hageman 152 (79-73) and Ella Carlson 161 (79-82).
The Vikes competed in the Northeast Iowa Conference meet Monday at the Waverly Municipal Golf Course, hosted by Waverly-Shell Rock. Friday, May 12, Decorah will be at Ma Cal Grove Country Club against Caledonia at 4:30 p.m.

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