Warrior girls aiming for big things on the course

By Becky Walz,

South Winn golfers returning with a letter this season are (l-r) Katrina Hageman, Brooke Steffans, Annie Ondrashek, Paige Jaster, Julia Carnesi and Avery Luzum. (Photo courtesy of Zak Kriener/Ossian Bee)

There is a goal in place for the South Winn girls’ golf team – make it to state.
With all of its varsity members returning from last year’s regional champion squad, the Warriors are ready for another successful year.
Coaching the girls is Glenna Munuswamy for her sixth season.

Current subscribers to the online Weekend Wrap-up may read the complete South Winn girls’ golf preview at https://issuu.com/driftlessmultimedia

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